About the Workshop presents 'The State of Indian Homes' Study by Asian Paints What are the aspirations of an Indian homeowner? How do we design our homes? How does the home of a young couple differ from that of older empty-nesters? Do we believe in buying homes anymore? For the past two years, Asian Paints has been trying to understand the answers to these and many other questions related to homes and the way we live. This research on the State of Indian Homes is the only comprehensive, qualitative study of its kind into the varied factors that affect the choices we make for our homes. This session will present a synopsis of the study, understand what the researchers learned from real homemakers, and discuss how it affects the way products and homes are designed.
This session is presented by

CoWrks, Residency Road
Date: 18 Nov 2019
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Free Entry